Join us for in-person worship or join our Zoom Sunday Worship. View the Events pages for information .
See the Worship Recordings page for previous years' services.
See the Worship Recordings page for previous years' services.
As a United Methodist Church, our communion table is open and all are welcome and invited to share, regardless of membership, affiliation, or identity.
Cameron’s unique way of celebrating Holy Communion was developed during our days of remote worship: we each brought our own unique Communion elements to Zoom worship. After our launch of hybrid worship, we continued this same sacred practice, encouraging everyone to bring their own Communion elements to the Sanctuary. Whether you are celebrating with us over Zoom, on the phone, or in person, we shall continue this same sacred practice.
Each Sunday we sing a combination of traditional and newer music, including familiar hymns and special music ranging from Bluegrass to Jazz to Country to Rock.
Cameron also has an active choir that performs special music pieces a few times each month, and practices Thursday evenings. We are excited to announce the arrival of our new music minister! Please contact Sarah for information about our program. |
Cameron takes care in the spiritual formation of all young people. We are actively seeking to grow our ministries to families and those with young children, please contact Pastor Dale if you would like to discuss our programs!
All children are welcome to participate in Sunday School, resuming in October. Be on the lookout for updates! |